Webcast and Recorded Sessions of the 2015 PDE Conference
The Pennsylvania Department of Education, Bureau of Special Education are pleased to announce that eight presentations, which took place during the 2015 conference - Making a Difference: Educational Practices That Work!, are now available for on-demand viewing.
Wed, February 4, 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Heidi Hayes Jacobs, Ph.D.

Leading the New Literacies: Digital, Media, Global, in Every Classroom for All Learners
Would you like to engage your school in digital literacy upgrades? How do we help our students critique and create media that prepares them for future careers and college? Do you want to globalize your classroom? These questions will be addressed in this lively and hands-on session. Our learners need capability and sophistication in these three new 21st century literacies to be prepared not only for the future, but for the present. Dr. Jacobs will share practical steps in identifying these literacies in classroom practice an how they intersect in dynamic projects for our learners K through 12. Based on her book series with Solution Tree, Contemporary Perspectives on Literacy, Dr. Jacobs will focus on how to make the transition from dated practices to a dynamic approach. Special attention will be given to aligning to standards and mission statements.
Fri, February 6, 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Yong Zhao, Ph.D.

Enhancing Strength or Fixing Deficit: Shifting the Education Paradigm
Technology and globalization have brought massive changes to society. They have also redefined the value of talents and skills. According to Dr. Zhao, what used to be valuable has become less so, and what used to be undervalued has gained more value. As a result, today’s society values greatness and diversity – that is, all talents can be valuable, but they must be great. In this presentation, Dr. Zhao presents reasons for and elements of a paradigm shift in education to enhance students' individual strengths.